Date and Walnut Loaf

Date and Walnut Loaf

Deliciously moist loaf cake, packed with sweet dates and crunchy walnuts. This Date and Walnut loaf is a perfect tea time treat.

Date and Walnut loaf cake recipe is one of the classic recipes that are simple no fail and all time favourites. This is a simple , one bowl recipe made from basic pantry staples.

There is something about loaf cakes that I love. Whether its Lemon Loaf cake, blueberry loaf cake or a banana bread they all are perfect to be enjoyed for breakfast or afternoon tea.

If you like caramel and toffee like flavours you will also like Sticky Date Pudding which is even more rich served with butterscotch. The recipe for this pudding cake is similar to this loaf cake.

Date and banana loaf
  • Plain Flour – I used plain flour and add baking powder to make it rise. You can also use Self raising flour.
  • Dates – You can either use fresh or semi dried dates. I used medjool dates as I like their texture.
  • Boiling Water – helps soften the dates.
  • Butter – unsalted melted butter.
  • Brown Sugar – you can either use light or dark brown sugar. For rich caramel like flavour use dark brown sugar.
  • Egg – large egg at room temperature.
  • Bicarb Soda – helps raising the breads.
  • Baking powder – helps the cake to rise.
  • Salt – a pinch of salt helps elevate the sweet flavours.
  • Walnuts – raw and roughly chopped walnuts.
  1. Soften the dates – soak the chopped pitted dates in boiling water and bicarb. They will absorb water and breakdown.
  2. Add butter, sugar and egg in a bowl and whisk to mix well.
  3. Sieve plain flour, baking powder, bicarb and salt.
  4. Pour the date mixture and mix till everything is well combined. Add walnuts and fold them in.
  5. Bake – Pour the mixture into loaf tin and bake for 45 minutes or until skewer comes out clean.

Yes you can make nut free version without adding walnuts. Its taste great with just dates only as well.

You can also swap walnuts with pecans. Hazelnuts are also a great option.

Date and Walnut cake can be stored in an air tight container for 3-4 days. It actually tastes better couple of days after its baked.

To freeze wrap the loaf int a foil or cling wrap. It can be frozen up to 3 months. Defrost at room temperature before serving.

Lemon Blueberry Loaf Cake

Sticky Date Pudding

Lemon Loaf Cake

Marble Cake

Date and Walnut loaf

Date and Walnut Loaf

Deliciously moist loaf cake, packed with sweet dates and crunchy walnuts. This Date and Walnut loaf is a perfect tea time treat.
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Course baking
Servings 8 Serves


  • Cup Plain Flour See Notes
  • 250 g Dates (pitted)
  • 90 g Butter ( Melted)
  • 1 Cup Walnuts
  • Cup Brown Sugar
  • ½ tsp Bicarb Soda
  • 3 tsp Baking Powder
  • ¼ tsp Salt
  • 1 Egg
  • 250 ml Water


  • Preheat oven to 180 ℃ . Grease and line the base and sides of a loaf tin (approximately 12cm x 30cm or 4.5 x 12 inches).
  • Chop the dates and put them in a bowl. Add bicarb soda and pour boiling water over them. Set them aside while we prepare the cake mixture.
  • In a mixing bowl add brown sugar and melted butter. Using a whisk mix them well. Add egg and mix again until well combined.
  • Sift over plain flour, baking powder and salt.
  • Using a wooden spoon or spatula sir date mixture. The dates would have broken down by now. Breakdown any large chunks with spoon.
  • Pour the date mixture into cake mixture along with roughly chopped walnuts. Reserve some walnuts to sprinkle over the top.
  • Mix the batter until everything is combined well. Pour the mixture into the prepared tin.
  • Sprinkle the reserved walnuts over. Bake the loaf cake for 45 minutes or until skewer comes out clean.
  • Allow the loaf to cool down for 10 minutes and then turn it over the wire rack to cool down completely.


  • You can use self-raising flour. Omit baking powder of you are using self-raising flour.
  • You can swap walnuts with pecans or skip them if making nut free version.
Keyword baking, Date and Walnut Loaf

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